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2023 Association Benchmarking Survey

Welcome to the 2023 Association Benchmarking Survey! In its 12th year, the Association Adviser team is thrilled to offer association professionals a holistic scope of the association space via the Association Benchmarking Report based on results from this survey. Completion of this survey will provide you with your Association Best Practices Score and will offer an integrated set of strategy suggestions to help your association reach its goals in 2023 and beyond.  
The survey is divided into three sections: Demographics, Member Engagement Tools, and Strategic Planning. The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. If you need to start the survey and then come back later to finish, click the "save and continue later" bar at the top right corner to have a unique link sent to your email to log back in later. (Check the junk/spam folder if you cannot find this email.) Please note: If you do not hit the "save and continue later" button, you will not be able to come back into the survey where you finished and will have to restart from the beginning.   
Answering each question will give you a complete and accurate view of your association's strategy and current performance. Participants who complete the survey will be entered for a chance to win one of 50 $100 Amazon gift cards when the survey closes. This survey is open only to association or professional society staff members, association management company staff members and their respective board members. If this does not apply to you, your survey submission will not be used as part of the report, and you will not be entered to win one of the Amazon gift cards.  
Your answers will help us publish the 2023 Association Benchmarking Report. They also will be compared against industry best practices to develop a detailed webinar to educate your fellow association professionals and the association community at-large. We thank you for your time!